Saturday, July 13, 2013

Fashion and coffee ( or fancy drinks)

Hello my loves,
I know I normally do not post about food what so ever on this blog but, I am making an exception because we all know I am a huge Pinterest nut...who isn't? With it being full swing summer and for some reason or another in the summer I crave like no bodies business green tea frappe. Though with Starbucks posting (thank you god) how many calories and bad stuff is really in their drinks was making me rethink buying them as often as I did. SO I was searching fashion nerds Google I mean Pinterest for a healthy receipt and of course I was able to find it.

                           ( and yes on the other side of the cup is a picture of a cat, meow bitch)

1 Tsp of Matcha powder
2 Tsp of sugar
1 cup of vanilla soy milk ( I like soy milk and it cuts down on sugar and bad stuff too)

If you do not like soy milk
1 healthy dash of vanilla syrup
1 cup of milk
1 cup of ice

Blend well and enjoy!!!

I guess Starbucks likes to use the syrup and heavy cream plus milk but making it with out is still sweet, ask my husband he knows I like it sweet. But that it taste the same!!! Cheap and Healthy you cant loose! which this will help me save up for my next pair of Vera Wang Lavender boots....

Love Kitsune

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