Saturday, October 15, 2011

The REAL 30 day no chip manicure....

So I know I talked about a no chip manciure before that wasnt a real no chip manicure because on the second day it chipped. I was like WTF so I called my Auntie whom I know only gets no Chip Manicure I started to explain how the did the manicure well it turns out it wasn't a no chip. Because when you are getting a " real no chip manicure" What a real no chip manicure requires special nail polish and each layer base, polish and top coat all must go under a light to activate the chemical for no chipping.  So my Auntie ( whom is amazing) decided to treat me to a No chip Manicure and I got it Friday the 7th and it has survived so far and has no had any issues from work too. They only 2 things that will kind of suck about this manicure are that to get the nail polish and other fun stuff off you have to literally soak your hands in acetone also if you get a color like I did ( dark purple) as time goes on you will see the nail growth from your figures. Also this manicure is more expensive then a normal one but personally its worth it to me. I hate paying for something that only has a day or two, the no chip ( a real no chip) is perfect not wasting money and I dont have to be delicate with my nails.

See so far so good Ill post a pic each week til I take it off.
Enjoy Kitsune63

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